This is from the beginning of the episode 2x12 (Profiler Profiled). He is saying: "Physics magic".

This is morgan talking to Spencer about him having a girlfriend.

This was his reaction.

This was from the episode 6x08 (reflection of desire). The unsub cuts off his victim's lips and Spencer said : "Maybe he ate them" while eating someting and everybody looks weird at him. I bursted out laughing while watcing that scene on TV.

I thought he looked so cute. Sad, but cute. I wanted to give him a hug. I don't know which episode this is, but it is from season 6 or 7 (based on his haircut).

I love this kind of faces with GIF's, especially when they are Spencer/Matthew.

I thought this was a cute/funny moment between Spencer and Garcia. I think it is somewhere in season 2.
This is it for this week. I hope you like them.
bye xxx